VIDEO CHOC | Cameraman e giornalista Wdbj uccisi in diretta | KILLED DURING LIVE

  • 9 năm trước
Un reporter e un cameramen di una una emittente televisiva sono stati uccisi in Virginia, Stati Uniti, da un uomo che ha sparato contro di loro mentre erano in diretta tv. Lo riportano i media Usa.Le vittime - Le vittime sono una reporter di 24 anni e un operatore di 27. Facevano parte di una troupe della Wdbj, emittente locale, e stavano effettuando una intervista live a Moneta. La polizia - riporta la stessa Wdbj - e' a caccia del killer. La reporter si chiamava Alison Parker, l'operatore Adam Ward. Almeno sei colpi - Il killer - secondo le prime ricostruzioni - avrebbe esploso almeno sei o sette colpi di arma da fuoco. Non sarebbe rimasta ferita - come si era pensato in un primo momento - la donna che la reporter uccisa stava intervistando. Due giornalisti di una troupe televisiva, una reporter e un cameraman, sono stati uccisi nei pressi dello Smith Mountain Lake, in Virginia (Usa), mentre stavano facendo un'intervista in diretta nella contea di Bedford. Le vittime sono la cronista Allison Parker, 24 anni, e il cameraman Adam Ward, 27 anni. Lavoravano per la Tv WDBJ7.

Le vittime sono la reporter Allison Parker, 24 annni, e il cameraman Adam Ward, 27 anni. Lavoravano per la tv WDBJ7. E' caccia all'uomo: alle indagini partecipa anche l'Fbi. La polizia di New York ha deciso di rafforzare la sicurezza sulle emittenti televisive.

A TV news reporter and cameraman were killed Wednesday morning in a shooting captured in a live broadcast, and the gunman remains at large, police said.

The scene of sudden shock and horror at a pedestrian plaza in Moneta, Va. was captured during a routine news story on WDBJ, a station in Roanoke.

In the video, reporter Alison Parker is interviewing a woman at Bridgewater Plaza about tourism in the area. As they talk, about seven shots ring out, as Parker and the woman scream and take cover.
The video then cuts to a stunned reporter in the WDBJ newsroom, who tries to quickly carry on with a broadcast.

Reporters later confirmed on air that 24-year-old Parker and cameraman Adam Ward, 27, were killed in the shooting.
"We heard screaming, and then we heard nothing," station manager Jeff Marks said while announcing the deaths.

"Our team's on working on (the story) right now, through the tears," he said.
The woman being interviewed was Vicky Gardner, head of the Smith Mountain Lake Chamber of Commerce, according to The Roanoke Times. She was shot in the back and is in surgery, police said.

Police are still searching for the gunman and the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office did not immediately return Daily News calls.

A man standing near the two women, dressed in dark clothing and holding what appears to be a gun, is briefly seen in the news clip. He calmly steps away from the scene before the video cuts away.

Parker graduated from James Madison University in 2012 and interned at the station that summer, according to her LinkedIn profile. She returned as a morning reporter in May 2014.
She was dating Chris Hurst, a fellow reporter at WDBJ, who mourned her in a series of tweets.

"We didn't share this publicly, but @AParkerWDBJ7 and I were very much in love. We just moved in together. I am numb," Hurst wrote.

"We were together almost nine months. It was the best nine months of our lives. We wanted to get married. We just celebrated her 24th birthday ... She was the most radiant woman I ever met."

Ward started working for the station in July 2011, the year he graduated from Virginia Tech, according to his LinkedIn page. His colleagues at the station said he was engaged.

Schools in Bedford County have been placed on lockdown as police hunt for the shooter.