France: Baby and policeman among four shot dead at travellers' camp

  • 9 years ago
A dispute at a travellers’ camp in northern France on Tuesday ended with a gunman killing three members of the same family, including a six-month-old baby.

A policeman called to the crime scene was also shot dead.

A three-year-old child was seriously wounded in the shooting near the town of Roye, just over 100 kilometres north of Paris. Another officer was hurt as was, reports suggest, the gunman himself.

Gens du voyage  : fusillade meurtrière à Roye— Libération (@libe) August 25, 2015

It is thought the suspect, who may have been drinking, opened fire after a violent quarrel at the camp, shooting dead the baby, a woman and a man before killing the policeman.

The full circumstances and motives for the killings have yet to be established.

Journalists who arrived to report on the tragedy were attacked by travellers.


