What is Angle in Standard Position ? What is Quadrantle Angle ?

  • 9 years ago
What is Angle in Standard Position ?
An angle is said to be in standard position if its vertex lies at the origin and its initial side along the positive −.
Math.Ex.9.2, Part2(9.2)
What is Quadrantle Angle ?
• For an angle in standard position, if terminal side lies on any axis, then it will be called quadrantle angle.
0° , ±90° , ±180° ,±360° . . . are all quadrantle angles.
• (90°) or /2 where ∈ℤ is generator of all quadrantle angles.
• For an angle in standard position, if terminal side lies in any of the quadrant, then it will be called non− quadrantle angle.
Chapter No. 9
Fundamentals of Trigonometry
Exercise No. 9.2
part 1
