Günstige 8 in 1 Truck Adblueobd2 Emulator Programming Video

  • 9年前
Günstige 8 in 1 Truck Adblueobd2 Emulator Programming Video

LKW Adblueobd2 Emulator 8-in-1 Beschreibung:

Truck AdBlueobd2 Emulator Box bypasses good working electronic module of the Adblueobd2 system on vehicle. Its very easy to fit AdBlueobd2 Emulator Box to any truck or bus equipped with AdBlueobd2 systemand it will override AdBlueobd2 system instantly, it will stop the usage of AdBlueobd2 liquid. AdBlueobd2 Emulator Box disables AdBlueobd2 system electronics gently so there will be no power loss of the engine or any warnings on the dashboard and in diagnostic system.

Item number: SH42-DB

Check more details on: www.autoobd2.de


