An even better alarm clock? (SEUSPHONE Tele-Tuba)

  • 9 years ago
Have trouble waking up in the morning? Not any more with one of these! :P
I downloaded an air raid siren .mp3 file to my Smartphone which seems to work best with the TeleTuba model.

As far as using one for an alarm clock..... with an Android or I-Phone it is also extremely easy to have your own custom wakeup sounds- just record anything off of your phone's camera into a sound file, and then use that sound file with any freeware alarm app. You could have your own voice, someone you know, or even Obama wake you up in the morning. Its the last alarm clock you'll ever need. Great also for use with recorded audiobooks, and nightstand and office desk-side music listening.

Hint: For a pretty bad practical joke, load your phone's alarm app with a soundfile of your choice, sync it to their Seusphone when they are asleep by clicking both on, and let it fire off at sunrise. You have been warned!

UPDATE: SEUSPHONES will be going up for sale for a limited time, August 30th, 2015 around 6:00 PST at the Ebay site below. Don't miss the opportunity if you want one!