Lebanon: clean-up underway after second night of unrest

  • 9 years ago
Workers are clearing away debris and makeshift barricades after a second night of unrest in Beirut.

Anger has come to a head over the Lebanese government’s failure to resolve a crisis over rubbish collection.

Protests over trash are a glaring sign of the political paralysis in Lebanon http://t.co/fsSLWPQ25m pic.twitter.com/EDmp1fhI5a— The New York Times (@nytimes) 24 Août 2015

For some, this reflects the wider failings of the state.

The “You Stink” campaign

Violence flared near Prime Minister Tammam Salam’s offices in central Beirut.

Thousands took to the street as part of the You Stink campaign. Some threw missiles at riot police.

Water cannon and tear gas were fired in response.

Dozens of people have been injured during the two days of unrest.

Thirty police officers were injured on Sunday, one seriously.

The government response

Destruction, chaos inevitable if no changes occur: Salam: Prime Minister Tammam Salam warned Thursday… http://t.co/UgZzm8iQtD #Leban
