Ashley Madison | Biggest Sex Scandal Ever

  • 9 years ago
Youtube Channel:

This is a mirror of a video which was originally on youtube

So, the online affair site Ashley madison was hacked and the details of over 37 million members were released to the general public , The hacking group calling themselves impact team claim the company had failed to delete the details of users who had paid to have their profiles erased and that men pay to use the site which is filled with fake female profiles.

Let’s not bullshit about this, Impact team really did did not give a fuck about the actual users. they did not care about the genuine human effect of those having to now confront the charges of infidelity with they will face. They do not care about the cost to individual who will now undergo divorce procedures and the broken homes which will result of this leak. And for what? to get an internet hard on at the fact you acted against something you felt morally outraged against

I mean the goal of shutting down a business which makes money from people who are stupid enough to want to pay for the can hance to try and set up a marital affair is really fucking dumb in the grand scheme of things. as all you do is prove that they internet need tighter regulation to prevent wank stains such as yourself from being able to illegally obtain the personal information of citizens and publish it before the world to see, opening up some pretty powerful individuals to blackmail and ruining their careers for wanting to pursue something which is entirely frigging legal.

Paradoxically, the phenomenon of sugar babies, young women who sell themselves for sponsorship through University, was looked at with quasi glee at it being empowering (and generating its own fucking movie) which is pretty much the same damn thing:
People, using the internet to engage in non-traditional sexual servicing.

Now I love how little the majority of people care about this, In all honesty, thisis where I love the British Public because the prevailing attitude is “people fuck, get over it” and I can see just how much the media is trying to try and create something out of this by telling us just how many public servants signed up yet there is no actual evidence to that any of them actually engaged in an affair. With many politicians who are implicated already claiming that their details were obtained fraducenty.

However, there is one question which is raised out of this, - are any of those users stupid enough to embezzle public or private money to pay for the service? that there is the only real question which should be asked because that it the only area where the users have strayed into legal issues, otherwise all we have is the worlds biggest sex scandal which no one really cares about.


