Corbyn Mania | Potential Issues Affecting the Leadership of Jeremy Corbin

  • 9 years ago

Jeremy Corbyn the current MP for Islington and, chances are, future leader of the labour party if this recent Yougov Poll is anywhere near accurate, which puts Corbyn at 53% of the vote at the 3rd round of voting, however given the swelling in corbynmania in recent weeks, It might not have to go that far.
Now I have no problem with Corbyn, to be honest a lot of what he says makes a lot of sense and the emphasis he has on redistributing the wealth and power from London is something that I can get behind - even if it is an unrealistic pipe dream. And to that effect, I began questioning… who is it that Corbyn actually represents? Is there a genuine movement behind corbyn based upon his platform OR is corbyn generating a one or two talking points which make people like me who are disillusioned with the political process go “Fuck it,Im voting that guy, at least he isn't a complete cunt”.Now this Yougov Poll asked 1054 people of the labour leadership electorate as a sample of the general population. and when asked Which three or four, if any, of the following do
you think are the qualities most needed in the next Labour leader? I was astounded to see that 53% believed that simply providing effective opposition to the Conservative party.
That means nothing. To laymanize that answer its saying “I want him to disagree with the Conservatives because they are the conservatives.” which, in my mind is the exact same mud flinging tactics which got us here. Now maybe I am wrong and maybe Corbyn will be the kind of leader who puts aside adhering to idealogical dogma in favour of negotiating a position within a debate, but if he is elected on a platorm of opposition, he will be lambasted for agreeing with anything that the conservatives bring to the table even if, Objectively, it is for the betterment of British society overall. Now interestingly, an even more attractive reason is that 62% of people want a labour leader who is in touch with the concerns of the ordinary people. What the fuck does that


