Hudud: Evoking emotions - Part 1

  • 9 years ago
Every now and then, the question of 'hudud', the capital punishment in Islamic Syariah law, rears its head in Malaysia's socio-political environment. It brings up varying emotions from advocates and protagonists alike.

At the moment, Syariah law in the country does not include criminal punishment -- that comes under the Federal Constitution and the penal code. Some Muslims feel that the entire spectrum of the Islamic legal system should be implemented and enforced upon Muslims.

Its detractors say it would be un-Constitutional in the context of the present Constitution.

Is Syariah criminal law implementable and enforceable in the present day in accordance with the manner the Prophet pbuh, enforced it?

In Islamic penal law, there are four types:

From WiKi:
Hudood (hudud) is one of four categories of punishment in Islamic Penal Law:
Qisas - meaning retaliation, and following the biblical principle of "an eye for an eye."
Diyya - compensation paid to the heirs of a victim. In Arabic the word means both blood money and ransom.
Hudud - fixed punishments
Tazir - punishment, usually corporal, administered at the discretion of the judge


