Die Pfaueninsel (Peacock Island)

  • vor 9 Jahren
"Peacock Island! A fairytale image from my childhood springs to mind: a castle, palms and kangaroos, cawing parrots, peacocks sitting high atop a pole or pecking a wheel, aviaries, fountains, shady meadows, winding footpaths leading here, there, everywhere... and nowhere. An island full of riddle, an oasis, a carpet of flowers in the midst of the Mark."
(Theodor Fontane: Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg. 3rd Volume, Havelland (published 1873)
Source: Wikipedia

This is the way, Theodor Fontane describes Peacock Island and we want to reflect a little of the romance which can still to be found on Peacock Island today.

...and after the fireworks festivities at the castle, the island once again belongs to the peacocks, and silence prevails...

