• 9 years ago
Mind/Body Energy Healing, Holistic Health. Healing.
Life/Energy Coaching: A extraordinary and effective style of coaching!
Since Brandy's injury she developed a hyper-sensitivity to experience enegy and frequencies from the body, the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. In Quantum Physics we can relate this to: Quantum Entanglement to particles, with locality or non-locality (since she is able to use this ability in person or from a long distance). To put this in everyday terms - we've all heard before that dogs can sense people's fear or illness - it can be mildly compared to this, in a very simplistic way. With this ability Brandy is able to provide a very unique style of coaching that addresses both the conscious and the subconscious minds.
When it comes to life coaching, simply put, if we want something and we don't yet have it, there is always a reason(s). This reason can be found either in the conscious mind and/or the subconscious mind. Old belief systems, habits, feelings and subconscious programming actually hold us back from acheiving what we consciously want in life. They typically show up in our lives in various ways such as: very slow progress, procrastination, failure, finding a lot of distractions in our lives, or they keep us stuck repeating the same old patterns. However, when we become aligned in both the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, we are able to obtain what we have set out to achieve.
After identifying the specific blocks/frequencies, Brandy then assists with shifting the unwanted programming using key techniques within the subconscious along with her unique understanding of the mind.
Many people when attempting to create change in the subconscious mind use methods that are geared towards "writing over" old subconscious beliefs. These methods do not completely release the old frequency, or energy, from the subconscious mind - which many times results in very small changes that seem to take a LOT of pain and effort, and at the end of the day, did not work nor provide sustainable long term results. After years of research Brandy identified 3 Key elements in the subconscious mind that, when addressed, are able to produce immediate shifts and longterm results.
The technique she developed is called the Gillmore FREEDOM Method to releasing these patterns by addressing what she refers to as "The 3 keys to the Subconscious Mind."
If you are interested in life coaching packages, please contact us as we will want to create a package specific to each person's needs. Brandy works with people from all walks of life, from Celebrities and Directors to Olympic Athletes, CEO's, Entrepreneurs Politicians, Life Coaches, Doctors and anyone who is wanting to take their life to the next level in any area of life.