• 10 years ago
PRE-ORDER OUR WORKOUT VIDEOS HERE: http://superherointraining.vhx.tv/
Our heroes have completed their training, and they’re coming to you with this special behind the scenes video from the set of our upcoming superhero fan film featuring characters from Robert Kirkman’s Invincible!

You’ve watched them struggle and triumph at the gym, now it’s time to find out some of the best and worst parts about making the short film. Find out how they feel about being in their costumes, trying to learn fight choreography, and attempting to act.

And don’t forget, the workout videos guiding you through your own journey to get into superhero shape are now available for pre-order. Whether you’ve got Clint’s or Julianna’s or Cruz’s starting body type, our Superstar Trainer Steve Zim, and our illustrious heroes will show you how to get camera-ready!

Learn more about Hollywood Supps, one of our secret weapons in the fight to become Superheroes: http://atighteru.com/site/hollywood-supps/

Thanks to Julianna from Cinema and Spice and Joe Penna aka MysteryGuitarMan for joining us on this crazy journey!
Make sure to check out their stuff:
Cinema and Spice:

How do you think Clint, Cruz, Julianna, and Joe look in their costumes? Are you super-excited to get into superhero shape yourself? Have you read the Invincible comics? (If not, you should check them out?) Are you excited to check out our fan film? What do you think of our heroes’ transformations?

Let us know in the comments below!

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