Chrissie Hynde et Jerry Lee Lewis: (Spastic/Ohio/New Wave)

  • 17 years ago

IT's been nearly 80 years since Ohioan couples had fun at Akron's Civic Theater, and although MC Dark & Tireless came close to preventing it, it may have been accomplished last night, in spite of the heavy exposure of vagueness & Branson/Apollo-themed veggie/PETA/Quirky/Spastic Ohio New Wave.

Theresa Fennell, 20, Beavercreek, Ohio, was first to see the incredibly fragile, old, Lewis-faced Killer, as she gyrated in row F, Saturday night.

The Civic benefit concert by Chrissie 'Pretenders' Hynde filled the Akron Bill with 1970s Akronite bands, the Bizarros' anAkronistic 70s alt/music; Tin Huey; Chris Butler, the creative force behind The Waitresses, and other quirky new wavers.

Jerry Lee Lewis, the old assassin/president was downtown and smooth, the foil to the embarrassing friends'friends/vegetarians of Chrissie Hynde, *dancing onstage like the lapse in the restroom version of the French “to dance with SARS”: this to the song John Lennon famously proclaimed--the greatest song of rock'n'roll hours--all, very much to his amazement.

*However, Ms. Hynde does have quite a collection of slutty MLFriends.

Theresa Fennell, 20, Beavercreek, Ohio, était premier pour voir le tueur incroyablement fragile, vieux, Lewis-fait face, car elle a tourné dans la rangée F, samedi nuit.

Jerry Lee Lewis, le vieil assassin/président était du centre et lisse, le clinquant aux friends'friends/aux végétariens embarrassants de Chrissie Hynde, *dancing l'onstage comme la faute dans la version de toilettes du Français « pour danser avec le SRAS » : ceci à la chanson John Lennon a célèbre proclamé--la plus grande chanson des heures de rock--tous, infiniment à sa stupéfaction.