Sanctity of Vote - Imran Khan (official)

  • 9 years ago
I am a pti supporter and a big fan of IK. With due apology I would like to ask MR IK what's the point of praising JC when u know that the decision given by them is baised n if u r doing this for keeping ur statement tat u will accept the decision whatever it comes then what about the promises u made during dharna to this nation. Sir ppl lost their children to get rid of this corrupt system on ur call, just o ur call n what u have done, u get back to assemblies. It's not easy for any parent to lost their sons. When u came on roads u should have the vision tat what to do I'd NS don't step down. U gave the hope to nation. Nothing has changed n nothing will change coz there r ppl in ur party who cannot afford to give away their seats in parliament. U want ppl to give away their lives, ask ur ppl to just give away their seats. Leader means to lead, leader make descions not in need of any suggestions. Think about tat have u urself did justice to ppl who came out in every city on ur call. JC was all rubbish to let u down.
