• 10 years ago
This film was created by David Suchar in partnership with Prime & Fire Selects, Talenthouse and BFI Future Film.

This short film focuses on the inspirational story of a skateboarding community in a rural part of eastern Slovakia. In the form of personal statements it creates a picture about what the present reality of skateboarding is in a decaying village built of obstacles and parks. This is the first chapter of a longer film mapping the situation of slovak skateboarding in various part of the country. In an unusual way the documentary is trying to be more of a sociological probe into the functioning of these communities rather than a sport video as it deals with the existential side of the less traditional sports in country.

Prime & Fire Selects, in association with Factory Media, is an annual film competition giving up-and-coming filmmakers the funds and support to create short human-interest documentaries within the realms of action sports.

(Slovak below)

Krátky film sa sústredí na situáciu skateboardovej komunity na vidieku východného Slovenska. Formou výpovedí jej členov vytvára obraz o súčasnosti skateboardingu na dedine a stavaní prekážok a parkov na vlastnú päsť. Táto výpoveď je úvodnou kapitolou celého filmu mapujúceho súčasnú situáciu slovenského skateboardingu v rôznych kútoch Slovenska. Netradičnou formou sa snaží byť viac sociologickou sondou do fungovania týchto komunít než športovým videom a vysporiadava sa skôr s existenčnou stránkou fungovania menej tradičných streetových športov v krajine.


