Martial Law, Apocalyptic Rapture And Pole Shifts (September 23rd Prophecy)

  • 9 years ago
On September 23rd of 2015 many major coinciding world events will occur within twenty four hours, each setting the stage for unprecedented changes. And the impact that this date will have on our collective reality makes it especially critical to understand. So in this video we are going to continue exploring the many strange overlaps surrounding September 23rd, 2015 by looking at three events set to unfold during this near future date. I will of course leave links to each resource referenced for this video in the show notes below so that you can visit and explore them independently. Otherwise, let’s begin.

A first aspect of the September 23rd Prophecy is the expectation of martial law being declared opportunistically by eager parties, a window that was made open by (what many expect to be) near future chaos. And the motion by which martial law would take place would be as “quick as the hammer could drop”, so immediate as well as comprehensive (with some expecting troop deployments to begin in late July). The majority of details surrounding how martial law would play-out are speculative at best and range widely depending on the source of perspective one is viewing. But (based on my research) what seems to be a near consensus that if martial law is declared on September 23rd, 2015 it will be the actions of a near universally distrusted body, which seems to be the inspiration for this particular perspective within the September 23rd Prophecy (that of distrust in the government).

Another interesting aspect to the September 23rd Prophecy is the perception of a “perfect overlay” between modern world events culminating on September 23rd and the Book of Revelations in the Holy Bible. A particularly well organized researcher promoting this link between September 23rd and the Bible is known as “Original Pilgrim” who primarily focuses on the relationship between the American Federal Government and the Vatican (including Pope Francis) as seen throughout geopolitics (epicenter in Israel), all leading up to an expected nuclear detonation above Jerusalem. It is also interesting (as presented by Original Pilgrim) how specific and accurate the Bible references are, which are based on a good deal of measurement (particularly around historical dates), something that Isaac Newton discussed. And I feel that this YouTuber’s work (that of Original Pilgrim) represents a common (perhaps even majority) train of thought for many exploring the September 23rd Prophecy, that this date in particular (one referenced throughout human history) is a key turning point in larger Biblical prophecies. There is of course a great deal more to how September 23rd, 2015 and the Holy Bible “lineup” (and with great accuracy), all of which are topics for future videos.

A third aspect to the September 23rd Prophecy is the occurrence of a “long expected” Earth pole shift, an event where north becomes south and south become north, and all in an instant. The correlation between September 23rd, 2015 and a terrestrial pole shift is an approaching asteroid which is described as being “world transforming”, however other theorists expect this asteroid to actually impact and therefore destroy Earth. The strongest evidence that is presented to support this notion of a pole shift is how “outstandingly in the open” our Federal Government has been preparing for disaster, with the creation of resource stockpiles and long-habitation underground living facilities, in a sort of scramble if you will. And the result of a pole shift on September 23rd, 2015 is described as “reminiscent of an Ice Age”, bringing common humanity to our knees. The idea of a pole shift occurring on September 23rd involves a cross section of multiple other aspects/facets found within the September 23rd Prophecy, which are important to cover in future videos.


1 - (Isaac Newton’s September 23rd, 2015 Prophecy)
2 - (The Genesis Timeline (30) 9-23-2015 - Atonement!)
3 - (What We Just Discovered Confirms 2015 Is The Year Of Hell On Earth)
4 - (Pole Shift Theory Global Coastal Event Map U.S.)
5 - (September 2015 - Asteroid, Martial Law, Endtimes)