A little-known group from the town of Worms, in the land of Rheinland-Pfalz, which included Patrice Chatelain yes Rolf Bachmann (guitar, vocals), Edmund Janson (bass, vocals) and Jürgen Müller (drums, percussion), private and very limited edition issued on-mountain, this ultra-rare only album (according to some sources in 1972), mainly instrumental progressive hard rock with psychedelic effects and some mature enough guitar modulations.
Patrice Chatelain (guitar, vocals),
Rolf Bachmann (guitar, vocals),
Edmund Janson (bass, vocals),
Jürgen Müller (drums, percussion)
Patrice Chatelain (guitar, vocals),
Rolf Bachmann (guitar, vocals),
Edmund Janson (bass, vocals),
Jürgen Müller (drums, percussion)