Greek debt deadline looms

The clock is ticking for Greece as it enters its final hours as the deadline for a 1.6 billion euro payment is due to expire.

Unless there is an eleventh hour deal, they are likely to default. The European Comission offered a last ditch offer to make Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras accept a bailout deal he had already rejected.

Instead the leader has put the choice into the hands of the Greeks who are to vote in a referendum on July 5th, a decision which divides the nation.

“It doesn’t matter what currency you use, what matters is that you have money to survive,” remarked one Athens resident. “It doesn’t matter whether it’s called drachma, whether it’s called euro, or whether it’s called koukourikou. It’s all the same when you don’t have it,” he concluded.

“We are free-falling,” said another. “Let’s hope that someone will help us and we will have a solution at the last minute.”

“Let’s say no to these gangsters,” explained one pensioner in the Greek capital, imploring, “Let us a