• 10 years ago
Our Superheroes’ transformations are almost complete! But now’s not the time to cruise to the finish, push harder, eat more carefully, double down on cardio, add more weight… Go! Go! Go!

If our heroes thought the diet and exercise was tough already, they’ve been fooling themselves. Getting camera ready means cutting down that last bit of fat. It means saying goodbye to salt (Sorry, Julianna!). It means making both of your arms are the same size(!)

It means getting ready to don the spandex, and fight crime in our upcoming SUPERHERO MOVIE!!!

So, pour yourself an extra-tall glass of… water, and cheer our heroes on in their home stretch.

Learn more about Hollywood Supps, one of our secret weapons in the fight to become Superheroes: http://atighteru.com/site/hollywood-supps/

Thanks to Julianna from Cinema and Spice and Joe Penna aka MysteryGuitarMan for joining us on this crazy journey!
Make sure to check out their stuff:
Cinema and Spice:

Do you think you’d be able to make it though the last week of a Superhero Transformation? Do you have one your arms bigger than the other? What do you think of our heroes’ progress? What other workout tips would you like to hear from our Superstar trainer, Steve Zim?

Let us know in the comments below!

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Welcome to Superhero in Training! Where four ordinary citizens take on the mantle of superheroes, but before they can do that - they have to train. This is the origin story of four awkward youtubers getting fit. Under the tutelage of celebrity trainer Steve Zim, who's trained everyone from athletes, to Chris Evans and Christian Bale, stay tuned every Thursday to see who survives and who doesn't make the cut. All leading up to one kick ass film where the superheroes will be born!
