Capital City Pride 2015 open discrimination and intolerance towards open carry

  • 9 years ago
I watched a video tonight of “Capital Pride” in Olympia Washington, the weekend of June 20th 2015. What I saw surprised even myself.
I have a gay cousin, and she is a concealed carry permit holding gun owner, so I know that not all gay folks hate guns.
But I was surprised to see the anti-liberty, anti-tolerance response of the gay pride organizers of the Capital Pride gathering this year when legal open carry activists come to show their support at the pride event. In the video one of the best points was made that I have heard to date, about “you would think that gays would embrace the gun culture especially with so much anti-gay violence in the world” (paraphrased).

I took the video clips and reuploaded them to both youtube and dailymotion because its videos like that that many liberals go after in droves and try to take down because it shows their hypocrisy.

One comment on the messages left for the original video made a good point. “Experience gay privilege at Pride”, and that is the points that I made in the intro of this video.
After all, what is pride about? Is it about tolerance? Is it about liberty? Is it about the constitution? Is it about equality? What is gay pride about?

I venture to say that if you have no choice, and gay is something that you are born with. Then these “pride” decals on cars and “Pride” events like this, are nothing more than someone sporting “white pride” or “brown pride”? It is completely vain and narcissistic to have pride in something that you have no control over. I get the advocacy thing. I get the unity thing. I get the standing up for your rights thing. I do not get the “pride thing”. As I kid, I grew up in a family where my father was a very proud “white man” and he had a lot of commentary on the issue. It seeped into my young mind for a short time as well. But really looking at the concept, it doesn’t make much sense!

Sure have pride in something that you have done well. Have pride in your job. Or your education. Something that is special to you, that you worked hard for, that is not just something that you were “born with”. But do not expect other people to tolerate you, if you won’t tolerate them.

This is my remake of a couple of the videos that this group posted.


The original videographer is;

Please visit their page and show them support!
