Monday increasingly looking like Greece's day of debt destiny

  • 9 years ago
With another 1.2 billion euros leaking out of Greek banks on Friday, bringing the weekly figure to 4.2 billion, according to Reuters, a cash crunch is looming for the Greeks.

Some banks and travel agents are advising holidaymakers to take extra cash with them in case ATMs are shut down during their holidays. Yet the markets were unperturbed on Friday. is it the calm before the storm?

Euronews’ Oleksandra Vakulina spoke to Senior Analyst at FX Pro in London, Angus Campbell.

“The markets’ reaction to the Greek crisis is showing few signs of panic, why is that?”

Angus Campbell:
“The markets aren’t panicking yet, because they feel that there is still very much a deal to be had.And we have this next big, big landmark meeting on Monday. It’s a crucial day, Monday, because time is sort of running out really for any agreement to be made, because it has to be done ahead of the end of the month for Greece to ratify it in their parliament. So really time is running out, but w
