Donetsk residents stage rare protest against rebel authority in Ukraine

  • 9 years ago
While the US and Russia on Monday renewed calls for all sides to implement the Minsk peace accord in Ukraine, those on the front line in Donetsk expressed their own weariness of the fighting.

About 300 locals said they they just wanted the conflict to stop.

Ukrainians Stage Rally Decrying Russian Occupiers In Donetsk via YahooNews— Andrij Dobriansky (tufkaa) June 15, 2015

One woman said the war was so stupid:
“I have no anger for anyone, I don’t care whether he is Ukrainian, Tatar, Russian, it doesn’t matter, it is a human being.”

While another said that many Donetsk residents were regretting having voted in favour of self-rule in the Donetsk referendum last year:

“People were lost (when voted for rebels). And now all the people regret it. Because they screwed us, simply screwed. That’s it. Now nobody cares about us, nobody cares, nobody sees us, nobody understands us.”

But the message appears to have fallen on deaf ears. Later the rebel leader of t