Alien Cat, cat with big eyes

  • 9 years ago
Matilda is a cat, 2 years old with an eye condition that magnifies his eyes and gives him an alien look. The animal is born on Valentine's Day in 2013 and was adopted by his teachers at the age of 12 weeks, it did not contain any visual defect, it was an ordinary kitten. It was around the age of 1 year as the first symptoms appeared when the animal right pupil was dilated abnormally. His masters were then brought in several veterinarians who in turn discussed without really understanding the origin of the anterior lens luxation. One of them also thought it was feline leukemia, a disease usually fatal to cats. Fortunately, this was not the case.

Matilda The teachers then decided to call the refuge from which the animals and learned that eye disease had touched the litter of kittens which Matilda was part. Over the weeks, Matilda's eyes that take an abnormally large size, they swell and bulge while pupils dilate impressively.

A veterinarian was able to diagnose that Matilda has a behavior quite normal and feel no particular pain from his eyes. In addition, it certifies that it is not of glaucoma as suggested by the masters of Matilda. This could be an eye genetic disorder and an abnormal position of the lens.

Matilda could be cured by an operation, but the success of it is still mixed. Indeed, one of the cats in the range reaches the same disease was made and the results did not appear convincing for the moment. So, the masters of Matilda opened a GoFundMe page to raise money for possible future operation, when it will provide real guarantees of success.

Matilda gradually loses his sight and became totally blind there are only two weeks.

You can follow the evolution of Matilda on her Instagram profile.


