Ephemeral Dreams Kara david hart

  • 17 years ago
"Ephemeral Dreams" by David Hart

Through the apertures
of ephemeral dreams
I pranced on scintillating

~~~ I splashed and played
in Lethe's crisp waters ~~~
I paddled
gleefully towards
a gooey yellow sun
in a pristine cerulean sky ~~~

Fervently in a kayak
made of golden silk and organdy ~~~
Smiles of hello
cheerful nods
greeted me from giddy
sea horses and affectionate
octopuses ~~~

Amidst 100,000 swirling rainbows
and 100,000 glistening
pots of gold
and rows
of laughing white flowers

I flew riding an exhilarated
yellow and purple butterfly ~~~
Through the apertures of
auspicious dreams ~~~
