• 10 years ago
Clint and Ti took in the highly anticipated new installment in the Jurassic Park franchise. They’ll let you know whether it lived up to its legacy, and whether Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, and the CGI dinosaurs turned in worthy performances.

Ti and Clint both carried high hopes and expectations into this sequel to the wildly popular 1990s franchise. They’ll let you know if Colin Trevarrow’s Jurassic World lived up, and if he did a good job continuing the story i n Steven Spielberg’s world.

Are you going to see Jurassic World? Have you seen it? What did you think? Did you feel like it stood well on its own, or did it feel like it was re-treading old ground (ground covered in dinosaur footprints, obvs)? What did you think of Chris Prat’s character? Do you think there should (or will) be more sequels?

Let us know in the comments!

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