Greece calls for new approach to its debt crisis

  • 9 years ago
Against a backdrop of restarted talks with international lenders, Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis attended a conference in Berlin focused on his country’s future within the European Union.

Die Zukunft/the Future of #Greece.debate with #Varoufakis #berlin— ellen trapp (@elltra) June 8, 2015

Varoufakis has expressed a willingness to compromise to reach an agreement to avoid Greece defaulting on its debt, but says the problem needs a new approach:

“Now for five years now, Europe and three different Greek governments have been misleading the people of Greece and the people of Germany. We have been pretending, speaking now as governments, that we solve the crisis by extending it into the future. Pretending that the nations, the Greek nation’s bankruptcy could have been dealt with by ever increasing loans on condition of further income-sapping austerity which undercut the nation’s capacity to repay.”

Varoufakis went on to say in an interview wi


