Orbán and al-Sisi talk stability as Egypt's leader visits Hungary

  • 9 years ago
The importance of stability was the message the leaders of Egypt and Hungary wanted to convey as President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi visited Budapest.

He called on his hosts to help make Egypt’s achievements and challenges understood in the European Union.

The two-day visit which began on Friday is part of a European tour by the Egyptian leader.

The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who has previously warned of a threat to Europe’s Christian identity, praised Islam as “the world’s great spiritual and intellectual creation”.

“Egypt is a special country. Without Egypt there is no stability in the Arab region and since distances are short in the modern world, we can say that there is no stability either in Europe without a stable Egypt,” Orbán told a joint news conference.

President al-Sisi replied: “I have to thank Hungary for its positive behaviour towards Egypt despite the negative position of other countries which ignore the challenges which (we are) facing”.

Egypt’s clamp
