• 10 years ago
From Bringing Up Baby to Some Like It Hot, the screwball comedy is the genre of some of our most iconic, timeless movies. Yet, there hasn’t been a serious (ha!) entry in the genre for decades. But why? Doesn’t everyone love a silly romp with a touch of romance?

The Screwball Comedy: A fable of love masquerading as hostility. Romance with the gender roles reversed. Sex comedies without the sex. What’s not to love? Why would this genre go away? But for whatever reason, there haven’t been many proper screwball comedy since the advent of color film?

We’ll look at the full history and death of screwball, in an epic history involving women’s suffrage, sex, censorship, Gene Wilder, wildlife, Ernst Lubitsch, the MPAA, the Manic Pixie Deam Girl, served up alongside a juicy roast beef sandwich.

What's your favorite screwball comedy? Do you have a modern film you think should be included in the sub-genre? What other film genres have gone out of style? What other topics would you like to get Film School'D on?

Let us know in the comments!

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