EU calls for 40,000 asylum seekers from Italy, Greece to be relocated

  • 9 years ago
EU member states should take in some 40,000 asylum seekers, mainly from Syria and Eritrea, who land in Italy and Greece over the next two years, the European Commission said on Wednesday.

Under the plan, Germany (8763), France (6752) and Spain (4288) would receive the most of them.

The rest would be shared out amongst twenty EU countries.

But this scheme would require approval from leaders and MEPs if it is ever to become a reality.

The UK, Denmark and Ireland already have opt-outs; a number of central and eastern European states have voiced their opposition.

“The relocation mechanism proposed in this decision constitutes a fair burden sharing between Italy and Greece on one hand and on the other hand member states who are also invited to contribute,” said Dimitris Avramopoulos, EU Commissioner for Migration

Those two countries have often borne the brunt of the massive influx of refugees and asylum seekers in recent years, but NGOs say they still have a role to play.



