Bizline Ep114

  • 9 years ago
[Trend Insight]
Koreans Discover Big Sweet Tooth
The desserts market is expanding fast in Korea. The market has reached $275 million last year. Dessert specialty cafes are mushrooming and new local and foreign labels rush to join the market. Westernized eating, flood of information on social networking platforms, and search for affordable indulgences during bad economy are some of the factors driving Koreans’ craving for sweets and desserts.

[IT Observer]
IT Review, Apple Watch VS LG Urbane
Released at around the same time, the Apple Watch and LG Urbane are heating up the smartwatch market. They are touted as having a game changing array of functions in comparison to the first generation of smartwatches. We bring experts to share their thoughts after using both product.

[Smart Start-up]
Tangram Factory: Winner in Thinking Outside the Box
Tangram Factory is a good example of thinking-outside-the-box innovator. It turns everyday items into cool digital gizmos. After its success with “Smart Plate”, simple-to-use wireless photo album, the company has created a sensation with “Smart Rope”, a LED-embedded jumping rope that works interactively with smartphone. Smart Rope ranked third as the Best Mobile Innovation for Health at the 2015 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. We meet the company that is bringing digital and social integration into fitness category.

[Question Box]
Why Does Android Name Its OS Versions after Desserts?
From Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, KitKat, to Lollipop, Google has named its Android OS versions after sweet treats in alphabetical order. The playful naming scheme causes a stir in the smartphone market with each new release. Experts say friendly names can make an IT product more memorable and appealing to consumers. Learn more about a naming strategy for cutting-edge IT gadgets.