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  • 9 years ago
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My overall experience with their Customer Service and Technical Support was positive. I submitted one general question and one technical one, and in both cases, I got a satisfactory response the same day.

Negative Reviews and Complaints:

I had a hard time finding many negative reviews of Shopify 2. Overall, the online chatter seems to be very positive. However, Shopify was not completely without complaints. The main things that customers have been talking about are:

Add-Ons Can Get Expensive – Some users are a bit upset with how expensive the add-ons can become. Since Shopify is focused on minimalism right out the box, most store owners have to buy add-ons to increase the functionality of their store.
Transaction Fees – There are quite a few customers complaining about Shopify’s transaction fees, which is understandable. Nobody wants to pay out a percentage of their sales, especially when they’re already doing it with their credit card processor. Keep in mind that Shopify Payments users are exempt from transaction fees.
Checkout Redirects to – When someone wants to pay for the product that they bought from your store, they will be redirected to the Shopify domain ( It’s possible that seeing the domain change may scare off some customers, but I haven’t seen any studies to verify the claim.
Designers Don’t Like Liquid Templating Language – Some hardcore designers and developers are complaining about Shopify’s use of Liquid Templating. Apparently there’s a slight learning curve, and designers prefer to work with something that they already know.
And here are some less frequent complaints:

No Real-Time Shipping in Lower Plans.
No one-page checkout.
Can’t create custom checkout URLs/fully customize checkout pages.
Room to expand internationalization.
No Discount Codes in Starter or Basic Plans.
No Ability to Issue Gift Certificates – Users can create one-time use discount codes instead.
Limited to 100 Product Variations – Apps like the Product Customizer can help you get around that for a small monthly fee.
Positive Reviews and Testimonials:

You can find a large number of positive testimonials directly on the Shopify website, but that’s no surprise. Elsewhere on the web the feedback that I’ve read about Shopify is very positive, with most people praising Shopify’s ease of use and excellent customer support. I personally agree with those reviews. Most users are happy with Shopify 2 and report few issues transitioning to the updated software. Here are some user highlights:

Easy to Use – This is by far the most frequent glowing review that I’ve read about Shopify. They’ve really nailed the “simplicity” thing. I am yet to try another shopping cart that is easier to use than Shopify. Kudos on this one.
Gorgeous Themes – I couldn’t agree more with the online chatter about this one. Shopify’s themes are really nice. And they just keep getting better.
Excellent Support – A lot of people are raving about Shopify’s customer support, which is a rarity in this industry. Most shopping cart providers fall short on the customer service end, but Shopify seems to be doing well.
And here are some less frequent positives:

Full-control over HTML/CSS.
Unlimited bandwidth.
Offers a CDN (Content Delivery Network).
Automated backups.
Good track record for server uptime.
Compatible with many payment gateways.

After speaking with a Customer Service Representative, I was able to determine that Shopify is certified as Tier 1 in PCI compliance. They employ 128-bit encryption, and offer free shared SSL certificates, which is an additional charge for some of their competitors.

More information about their hosting solution can be found here.

Final Verdict:

It may have taken more than five years to roll out, but Shopify 2 is proof that good things come to those who wait. Although Shopify has a decisive edge in the shopping cart market, it’s clear that free/open source software like Spree Commerce and options like LemonStand are also making a splash, alongside merchant-focused, easy to use cloud-hosted competitors like Ashop Commerce and Big Cartel. Still, Shopify 2 remains ahead of the curve by anticipating what you want before you realized you wanted it and still maintaining user-friendliness.

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