Moscow Chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidth’s complimentary words about Adnan Oktar


door A9 TV

- On your behalf, our friend Zafer met Moscow chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt for a second time. He has been the Chief Rabbi of Moscow since 1993. At the same time he also represents the Russian Jewish community in the political sense. He is also the chief of the European Rabbis Confederation; last week he also met the Pope. The chief Rabbi conveyed his greetings to you and soon he wants to visit you.

ADNAN OKTAR: I will be honored to host him.

- He also said, “There is need for rationalist Muslim voices like you.”

ADNAN OKTAR: This is true. That is to say, sincere Muslims acting in line with the Qur'an. There are always bigots, classical followers of the Ottomans. This is a mindset inherited from the Ottoman which advocates the philosophy of the Ottomans during its period of collapse . They have a conception of Islam which is at odds with the rationality of the Qur'an. They have a conception of Islam where there is an influx of superstitions. They present I