Brazil: Discovery of dead bodies leads to violent clashes

  • 9 years ago
Further, violent protests have broken out in Rio de Janeiro following the discovery of two bodies. Both victims are said to have been stabbed.

After a week of clashes, two buses were torched and barricades of burning tyres set up near some of the Brazilian city’s ‘favelas,’ or shanty towns.

In a different part of the city, five buses were burned earlier in the same week.

Residents say the victims – both male – were bike-taxi drivers from the Morro de Sao Carlos neighbourhood.

Some of those protesting blame the police for their deaths.

“Both men killed were workers,” said one local woman. “One was 29 and the other 15 years old. We don’t accept that sort of thing here, anymore. We don’t accept it. It’s not fair.”

An ongoing turf war involving drug trafficking gangs has killed at least ten people in the area in recent days.

State Governor Luiz Fernando Pezao says the clashes are a result of the hostility between rival gangs, but says the police have a plan to manage the viol