Behind the Scenes: Ma Ying Jeou, the legend, the shoes

  • 9 years ago
NMA Behind the Scenes cameras for the first time have been given all access to one of the most secretive men in Asia, Taiwan's president and fun-loving husband and family man Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九).

Ma Ying-jeou likes to be stay in the public eye, so he frequently travels around the country going to various events with his KMT paparazzi in tow. He also travels with an enormously large security detail and police presence anywhere he goes to make sure that actual Taiwanese people can't get close enough to him.

After being elected for his first term, Ma had a surprisingly high approval rating. It didn't take long however for that to change. Broken campaign promise after broken campaign promise combined with a stagnant economy didn't help things at all either. Now well into his second and final term, thank God, he has been battling to get out of single digit approval ratings.

It's also become a new trend lately in Taiwan to throw shoes at Ma Ying-jeou wherever he goes. It's gotten so bad for Ma that he actually travels around now with a large net to catch any shoes that are propelled his way.
NMA's cameras were allowed full access to see what Ma Ying-Jeou does behind closed doors. We learned that he is a really great husband and has a great relationship with his wife. What Ma lacks, his wife makes up for. For instance, Ma is known to lack what others would refer to as balls, but good thing his wife's are big enough for the both of them.

NMA found out that Ma likes to kick it with his friends from the US and China as well as old KMT buddies like Wang Jin-pyng. Ma's real passion though is shoes, specifically Jimmy Choos. Who would have thought?


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