Aerial footage: Taiwanese police clash with student protesters

  • 9 years ago
Shown here is exclusive aerial footage of clashes between riot police and Taiwanese student protesters in Taipei on March 23 and 24, recorded by a remote-controlled 'hexacopter'.

The student-led demonstrations, nicknamed the 'Sunflower Movement', turned violent Sunday night after President Ma Ying-jeou rejected protesters' demands to retract a controversial trade pact with China. Thousands of students, who started off with a peaceful sit-in in the country's parliament building, stormed the Executive Yuan (行政院) nearby, the compound which houses the prime minister's office. In response, the government ordered riot police to evict the students, causing bloodshed.

Wielding batons and shields police forced students to leave and used water cannons to disperse them. The compound was cleared by around 6 a.m. on Monday. Sixty-one students were arrested, and at least 150 protesters were injured.


