California earthquake: early-warning system to be implemented along the West Coast

  • 9 years ago
The US House Appropriations committee recommended $5 million funding for an early earthquake warning system in the West Coast region of California.

Lawmakers said that such a warning system would allow responders to take action before large earthquakes hit.

The funding allows the system's developers to begin buying and installing more seismometers to move the project forward.

Displaced plates at the fault line of an earthquake generate two kinds of seismic waves: P-waves and S-waves. P-waves travel faster, emitting a thunder-like sound as they push and pull rocks. S-waves move more slowly but are much stronger than P-waves.

A prototype system developed by Caltech, UC Berkeley, and the University of Washington in conjunction with the U.S. Geological Survey is being tested in the Los Angeles and Bay areas.

Seismometers used in this early detection system pick up the P-wave tremors, then send readings to warning centers, which then deliver alerts to about 75 people, including researchers and emergency management personnel."

According to scientists, it would take about five years to fully implement the system along the West Coast, according to scientists, with maintenance and operating costs running at $16.1 million a year.


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