Apple Watch heart rate monitor malfunctions on people with wrist tattoos

  • 9 years ago
Disgruntled Apple fans have taken to the Internet to complain that the Apple Watch's built-in heart monitor does not work properly on people with wrist tattoos.

Critics say that the Apple Watch's heart monitor function may not work properly on people with wrist tattoos because the ink pigment obstructs the penetration of infrared and LED lights used by the device's sensors.

A pulse oximeter monitors a user's heart rate by detecting the amount of oxygen in the blood stream. Each heartbeat leads to a slight increase in the level of blood oxygen.

The Apple Watch's pulse oximeter emits infrared and green LED lights and monitors the amount of light reflected to gauge the level of blood oxygen. However, light may be blocked on people with tattoos.

Experts say the glitch could be resolved if more powerful LED lights were installed in the watch's heart monitor.

The problem is not unique to the Apple Watch. The performance of hospital pulse oximeters that are attached to the fingernails can be affected by substances including nail varnish.


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