Britain's election shines Tory star, leaves others in the dark

  • 9 years ago
Britain’s political landscape has been redrawn, with two leaders in political dungeon and one triumphant survivor — the prime minister.

The opposition Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats have to reinvent themselves.

Labour was driven to the verge of extinction in Scotland, condemned as not leftwing enough and was drubbed in England by feelings it has tipped too much to the left.

The centrist LibDems paid dearly for being in coalition with the Conservatives.

Whoever is ultimately chosen to replace Labour’s Ed Miliband has a daunting pathfinder’s task between New Labour proposed policies, especially business, and lingering Old Labour for the faithful.

The LibDems’ Nick Clegg risks a stretch in the wilderness as the party ekes out a new identity, a shadow of its former self.

Even though the UK Independence Party won the third-highest number of votes, it only got them a single seat. Although Nigel Farage did not get one, his resignation as leader has been rejected.

