God please give me strength to say something about Mother - Mothers Day celebration by WWHL

  • 9 years ago
Today on this special day, a day, where we are finding a dictionary, sitting alone in a corner, which personality we are going to address today? MOTHER
Its Mother’s day, is this the only day for mother?
I still remember her kindness, and innumerable I don’t know either!
How could I?
Yes I was a little infant, I am told, when a young lady sacrificing her rest and peace in all the nights of winter, a temperature down to 0c. About minus temperature, I used to get wet in the nights, all day the day long and summers and so on! She was quite young before I was born, she left sophisticated outfit, forget about herself, as being a human being, she became a machine, a manual machine, which can never be stopped, whenever I wept she played like a clown, a joker entertaining spectators, joker forget about personal life, the objective is to amuse others, more than this I can say, and I used to forget about the reason of weeping like people laugh without any pause, today I am thinking about the Mother’s day.
Yes I have come to know about the pain of giving birth to a child, no man can tolerate the pain, a mother bears, and smiles like no pain, after having a glance on her new born baby.
God has supreme powers to create us, and anything else existing in the world, but honored the mother to give birth to a child, next to God I must say!
A resilient Mother.
Hindus adore their Mothers like God, their Mothers are their Goddess! Whom they worship. This is their style, we do appreciate for them.
If we do care the due care ordered by God, we can get Jannat, which is beneath her feet. Very simple.

How can only day can satisfy me, I dedicate and tribute to Maa! Or only my words can accomplish what should I say about Maa.
I have to say something about Maa, whom God has reserved Jannat beneath her feet, and we pray God for giving us Jannat (Paradise) after dooms day! That Jannat is down to her Feet.
Alas! How I wish I get a single word to pay the supreme and heartfelt regards with the core of my heart.
I urge the English writers to invent some words for Maa, but I don’t know Arabic, there must be words.
Yes there are “Oh! God please be gracious to my parents, as they remained merciful to me while I was an infant” close meaning of some Ayat of Quran.

There are billions of Mothers in the world, some have passed away, and some are alive, we do hold them in the highest regards, let me show you some great Mothers of the World.