IN.RI, PAX" I am Jesus; The King of the Jews!... SalvatoreFrancescoCali John19;Luke24;1,2Samuel;Exodus11-15

  • il y a 9 ans
But you will receive Power when The Holy Spirit comes on you; So, you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, ..., and to the ends of the earth!... (Acts 1-4)
Therefore keep watch and Pray, because "I" come as a thief !... - The Holy Spirit is like the Love..., but sometimes it's also like Lightning...; And it falls on you unexpectedly!!!
I came into this world for Judgment, in order that those who don't see will see and those who see will become blind!!! But you, my Friend, Go!... Go to Siloam, wash your face!... (John 9)
" What you are about to do, do quickly!... " (John 13;Matthew 24;28)
I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me!!! (John 1-21)

" You shall have no other gods before me!! " (Exodus 20)
Behold, verily, verily I say to all of you: Today, You, "You" will be blind for 3 days... 3 years... (Acts 9)
Here I am!! This is Pentecost; And the Passover of The Lord..., The Lord of Hosts!!! (Chapter 23 - April 4, 2015)
I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not yield my Glory (G) to another or my praise to idols....
See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being..., "I" announce them to you!... (Isaiah 40-50)
You are my Witnesses!!! You, and my Servant whom I have chosen!... But woe to him Who doubt at the Lord's Day!... (Apocalypse17;7;Matthew24; John17)
If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him!!!
If you do not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child, you will never enter!...
Love is the bond of all things!... The one who loves me will be loved by my Father!... I Am Alive!!! (John 14-16;Song of Songs...)

And immediately Jesus turned, and began walking towards them as we walk on water..., after fixing his gaze on each one, as the Day of Pentecost..., He said their: " Every flower Who hatched gave its fruit!... And every knee will bow before the Lord... Ave Jesus Mary!!! "
They came to Jesus, they saw he was already dead " And Risen .... "; That is why they did not break his legs!... (John 19)
When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her: Woman (Eve), Here is your son! And to the disciple (A): Here is your mother!....
The one who has seen all these things testifies so that you also may believe; And that believing, you also possess eternal life!... (Philippians)
Lord, Lord Jesus, listen my prayer..., and receive my Spirit!... (Acts 6-8;Luke 23)
"Who" is worthy to break its seals and open the book ? !... (Apocalyps 5;Matthew 28)
Come on! Go! Go Valiant Warrior; Take your coat, your Glory.... And the Name that I gave you! Come and follow me!!! Absalom! Absalom...
As for you; Be Cursed Pharaoh, king of Egypt!... Let my people go. (Exodus 11-15;Isaiah 47)


