• il y a 9 ans
Encore une de Brassens avec paroles et traductions de mon cru. Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de celle-ci, je vous invite à m'envoyer vos corrections.
Bonne écoute.

Since mankind writes History (understand : the winners write History)
since it battles wholeheartedly
among one thousand and one notorious wars if I had to make a choice
In opposition to old Homer I'd declare right now
Me, colonist/colonel, the one I prefer is the war of 1914-1918

does it mean that I despise the noble wars of yesteryear
That I care like a cherry about the one of 1870
on the contrary, I revere it
and give it a glowing report / good grade / good mark
but, colonist/colonel, …

I know that Sparta's warriors
didn't stab their swords in water (saying : didn't waste their time)
That Bonaparte's "grumbler" (gnognard : Bonapart's soldiers) didn't shot the birds with their gunpowder (waste their resources…)
their feat of arms are epic
Standing to attention, I congratulate them

Of course, the 1940's one didn't disapoint me at all
It was long and slaughtering and I don't spit on it (I don't deny it?)
But in my opinion, it isn't barely worth more than a honorable mention

My point is not about looking for troubles with guerrila warfare, no, gosh, no
Holy wars, sneaky wars which don't dare to tell their name (that have no names)
each one has something appealing each one has its own little merit

from deep in his bag of tricks Mars will doubtless, sometime
avoir plus d'un tour dans son sac : have more than one trick up its sleeve
get out one, a real delight which will give me a big impression
until then, I persevere to say that my favorite war
The one, collon, I'd like to do… is war of 1914-1918

