Bali nine executions: Ringleaders Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran face firing squad - TomoNews

  • 9 years ago
The Indonesian government has announced that 20 executions by firing squads are scheduled for 2015. Six convicts were put to death in January, five of them were foreigners. Two Australian drug-smuggling group ringleaders, along with one Nigerian and four other drug convicts could possibly be executed by firing squad as soon as Tuesday.

Three days before their execution, inmates are be transported to Nusakambangan Island of Java. At midnight, the inmates will be shot dead in separate isolated grassy areas by a squad of 12 executioners.

The inmates will wear a white shirt and be led to the execution area by a priest of cleric. They will be given three minutes to calm themselves.

The prisoners will be blindfolded and asked if they wish to stand, sit or kneel. Afterward, a doctor will place a mark over their hearts. The squad commander will then yell, “Do it!” to the executioners standing within a five to 10 metre range. Only three will have live ammunition; the rest will have blanks.

If the prisoner is still alive after the three bullets have punctured his chest, the commander will fire a final shot at point blank range, above the inmate’s ear.

Australian nationals Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran were arrested and convicted in 2005 trying to smuggle 18.5 pounds of heroin from Bali and are scheduled to be executed in the coming days.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott said he the Australian public are “revolted” at the prospect of these executions. Brazil and the Netherlands withdrew their ambassadors after the executions in January, and Australia has said it may do the same. France has lodged a diplomatic protest.


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