• 10 years ago
1. Land selection: A well drained sandy loam soil is considered best for the sowing of quinoa
2. Land preparation: Ploughing followed by planking
3. Seed rate: 6 -8 kg seed/acre
4. Sowing method: Flat sowing (45 cm row to row distance)Ridge sowing (75 cm row to row distance)
5. Sowing season: October to March
6. Fertilizer requirements: N, P, K (125: 65: 0) kg per hectare
7. Water requirements: 3-4 irrigation on ridge sown 2-3 irrigation for broadcast sown crop
8. Intercultural: Pre-emergence herbicide application, hand pulling or weeding for controlling narrow and broad leaf weeds
9. Insect pest management: Insects, rodents and bird attack at the field emergence stage to protect from seed loss and physical damage to young seedlings Absolutely no pesticide is needed because of self repellent of the plant to insect and pests
10. Harvesting: At the yellowing and wilted appearance of the stem and leaves; nail dented grain stage
11. Threshing: Using narrow sieve for the regular wheat thresher. Make bails of harvested plants for sun drying before threshing
