House No 26 (FILM) by Aamir Samuel - S.T MODELS AGENCY - PAKISTAN

  • 9 years ago
SYLE TAKE MODELING AGENCY is giving you a chance to work in a Fashion Show which is on 28 March 2015 in Lahore.All female/male models who are interested contact us for appointment
visit our web-site w w w. s t y l e t a k e .c o m
Fashion Industry kept amazing attraction in it, for people appurtenant to all age group,and specially for those who want to become part of it. But it is very challenging for anyone to prove him/her self in this field, because it demand more than a pretty face and hilarious look.

One thing that is very imperative in making your carer ,and is to whom you are concerning first is to finding an agent that promote your looks in a true sense.Syle Take Modeling Agency has proved by its imposing work
Amir Samuel (fashion photographer & director) is very diligent name in fashion industry.He promote many people in this field ,who get amazing success ,and now are counted in top models of Pakistan. People who are in quest of good opportunity and have charming looks,and are confident enough to face the camera ,contact to Syle Take modeling agency and take a good start that brighten your future.

Aamir Samuel
0 3 0 0 - 4 2 1 9 0 2 5
0 3 2 4 - 9 4 0 6 2 7 7
E-mail: s t m o d e l s . i n f o @ g m a i l . c o m
web: w w w . s t y l e t a k e . c o m
