• 10 years ago
Jakarta, Indonesia – Axis Capital Group, a construction company based in Singapore has been delivering heavy equipment all throughout Asia and Europe. With the expansion of construction and the increasing growth of industrialization all over the world, the nation’s economy has been one of the factors that help each nation’s boom and development. Let us review how developing countries have been coping with the competition in the construction industry.

According to Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce 2010, between 2004 and 2006, Malaysia experienced a slow growth in its construction industry with average output value of RM50.9 billion. In 2007 the construction output value began to increase, up to RM 60.7 billion, and the industry recorded stronger growth in 2008 and 2009 rising to RM77.5 billion. The Central Bank of Malaysia in 2009 added that the strong growth of construction industry in 2007 to 2009 was mainly due to the implementation of construction related activities under the 9th Malaysia Plan and the high value of the fiscal stimulus package projects.