Healing Power of Pets: Woman with Multiple Sclerosis was saved by cat.

  • 9 years ago
Yolanda Seay owes her life to her cat, Mika. Yolanda fell and couldn't get off the floor, her cat Mika could sense she was in danger and created noise to get anyone's attention
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Yolanda has multiple sclerosis and suffered really bad fall where her leg was pinned underneath her. She was unable to move and was trapped on her floor for two days and two nights. Through all of it, Mika, her cat never left her owner's side and created attention for the outside world with the hopes that someone would find Yolanda. After Yolanda was found, she believes that she healed faster in the hospital because of Mika.

Special Thanks to Paws/LA.


00:00If Mika was not next to me, and trying to take all the attention, I would have died.
00:06They told me I had one more day.
00:09And somebody didn't want to follow me on the floor.
00:13They were coming in through a corpse.
00:16I'm Yolanda. I have MS.
00:19We think I've had it for about maybe 30 years.
00:23Just now having the symptoms, but in the past 12 years.
00:28And the prior condition that I had was about 7 months ago.
00:35When I took a tumble in the bedroom.
00:38Here's what I'm getting up off the bed.
00:41And I made a misstep.
00:44And so then I fell.
00:47And they tell me my leg was trapped.
00:51The left leg was trapped up against the wall.
00:54All the way to my chest.
00:56And so for two days and two nights, I had no food and no water.
01:00But Mika was always by my side.
01:04When I was on the floor, Mika tried to get attention.
01:08And so then pots and pans, they hit the floor.
01:11And he tried to raise all this noise.
01:13Because he was worried about me, about his mother.
01:17But yeah, Mika was definitely a very deciding factor.
01:24On my health and my well-being.
01:26Because after all, if he wouldn't have stuck by with me.
01:30For those two days and two nights on the floor.
01:32I wouldn't be here.
01:35If Mika was not next to me.
01:38And trying to attract all the attention, I would have died.
01:41When I looked down on the floor, she was like face down.
01:44Her leg, her left leg, it was bent to her chest.
01:48And she hadn't had any water all weekend for two days.
01:52And she was like on her last breath.
01:55She was on her way out of here.
01:57So when Leslie found me on the floor in the bedroom.
02:02She called my buddies at the fire department.
02:05And they came and got me.
02:08And they thought that I was dead in here.
02:11But they did tell me that if I stayed one more day on that floor, I would have died.
02:18When I gave it to Mika, he never left my side, never.
02:23And he was so worried about me.
02:26So Yolanda, in this case, the relationship with Mika is quite extraordinary.
02:32Mika is not a cat. Mika is part of the family.
02:37In my perspective, if it wasn't because of Mika creating that little fuzz.
02:43All of these steps would have probably not happened.
02:45It's sort of like a kinetic energy.
02:47And it always has to have a little push.
02:50And I think that little tiny push came from those little furry paws.
02:54And it was Mika.
02:57I know Mika is a pet.
02:59But it's like a relationship with a mother and a child.
03:04And she loves that cat so much.
03:07It's like her child, even though she doesn't have any kids.
03:10But Mika is really, really close to her heart.
03:15I've had Mika for possibly six years.
03:18I would not be where I am without Mika.
03:21It was for PawsLA.
03:23And if it weren't there to help me, Mika is truly going to end up in the pound.
03:29The mission for PawsLA is quite simple.
03:31It's keeping people and pets together.
03:34And Yolanda has been a client for a while now.
03:37I believe since 2004.
03:40We provided her with the possibility of being able to keep her pet
03:45while she was going through a lot of physical, a lot of mental also challenges.
03:51However, the services that we provide is subsidized medical care, vet care,
03:57vaccinations, food, any kind of pet item or supplies they might need.
04:05It's really important for me to give back to Mika.
04:08And to give back for the life that I have.
04:11I think that she healed quicker than usual to get home to Mika.
04:16Every day she was determined.
04:18She was ready to come home.
04:20Yolanda, she can't live without Mika.
04:23And she will do anything for Mika.
04:27Mika is an angel to Yolanda.
04:30When you see Yolanda talking and hugging Mika,
04:37you understand why it is important for her to have Mika.
04:42These animals mean a lot to them.
04:45This is what gets them going every day.
04:47It is a means to stay alive a lot of the times.
04:52These are their life links in a way.
04:55But she does know that she has at least one little thing there
04:59that loves her unconditionally and she can count on.
05:02Having an animal does take you out of yourself
05:05and has you focus on other responsibilities.
05:07I also think that you start learning how to take care of yourself
05:12if you are compelled to take care of something else.
05:19Mika is light.
05:21He is pure light.
05:23Very calming.
05:25Very loving.
05:28And that's the light he brings to my life.
05:31I never gave up hope.
05:33I will see you in two nights.
05:35Because I have Mika.
05:37Because he gives life and light and happiness.
