Kitten with an Enlarged Heart Jules - Tails of Survival

  • 9 years ago
Jules is a survivor. Being born with numerous congenital heart defects hasn't slowed sweet Jules, who lives each day to the fullest.
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Jules was found as a stray walking the streets of Los Angeles. A good Samaritan brought him to a local shelter. Best Friends Animal Society - Los Angeles pulled him from the shelter and provided him medical care, noticing immediately that something was wrong. He was later taken to a cardiologist where he was diagnosed with four separate, congenital heart defects, including an enlarged heart. Eight months after his rescue, Jules continues to defy the odds by being happy and healthy. Now, he is looking for his forever home. Preferably a home with a dog.

Special thanks to Best Friends Animal Society - Los Angeles

To adopt Jules go to

Photos courtesy of Candi Crawford.

Coordinating Producer: Dawn Poomee
Production Assistant/Camera: Ryan Danielson
Editor: Dawn Poomee


00:29When they were doing their intake exam was when they noticed that he had a heart murmur.
00:32And then when an animal has a heart murmur, if it's a certain grade,
00:36then we have to get them checked up and they did a exam with a cardiologist.
00:40What they found is that he has four congenital heart problems and a heart murmur on top of that.
00:47Basically he has an enlarged heart and some of the valves and pieces that separate his heart
00:51weren't built the way that they should have been built.
00:54Somehow his heart is still functioning and the blood flow is still normal in his body.
01:03She was surprised that not only is it not affecting him now to the point of needing medication,
01:08but that also he's alive.
01:10He may live a long, happy, normal life or he may have a shortened lifespan.
01:32He's been able to live in a home environment that every animal deserves to be in,
01:37where he knows he has a warm place to sleep every day and every night and food.
01:52He's definitely taken a fond liking to my dog.
01:56They have become best friends and not only do they sleep next to each other,
02:01but they do play around, which is fun to watch.
02:04He's very happy and he's a playful, wonderful, affectionate cat.
02:21It's always hard to be a foster parent because you become emotionally attached to the animal.
02:26He deserves a wonderful, loving home just as much as any other animal does
02:30and I think that the perfect home is out there for him.
02:32Jules is so sweet. His heart does not stop him.
02:35I sometimes think that cats who have heart conditions have a little bit of a special heart
02:40and so even though it's special in the way it's formed,
02:43it's also special in the personality that they have.
02:46Jules is a survivor because not only did he get out of the shelter,
02:49which a lot of kittens don't make it out of the shelter,
02:52he made it out of the shelter and then he was able to go to a place
02:56where he was diagnosed with the condition that he has and it wasn't a death sentence for him
03:01and now he's ready to go into a home and spend however long he has being loved
03:05and giving someone love back.
