Pet Talk - Feeding Your Pet

  • 9 years ago
Everything you need to know to be the best pet owner you can be!
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This episode of Pet Talk talks about feeding your pet, how you can keep your pet a healthy weight, and give you some fun tips on how to enhance the bond with your pet through feeding!

Segment Producer: Gabe Evans
Associate Producer: Brittni Brown
Dr. Annie Harvilicz-- Animal Wellness Center Medical Chief
Alec Torres -- New Leash on Life Trainer
Dr. Courtney Campbell -- Animal Medical Center Veterinarian
Monique -- Purina Regulatory Science
Kristine -- Purina Veterinary Marketing


00:00It is very important to feed your pet treats, mostly for training.
00:04It's the best way to train them.
00:06But when you feed them treats, you don't want to give them too many.
00:09So I break it up into tiny little bits.
00:19A well-balanced diet is the best thing that you can provide for your pet.
00:24This day and age, we're lucky.
00:26We have a lot of different food sources to choose from.
00:29So the way I want you to think about it is simply this.
00:31If you feed your dog fast food, you will get a fast food dog.
00:36The bond between humans and animals generally occurs over social settings.
00:42And one of the most popular social settings is eating.
00:47Pet food is all they get, so it has to be complete and balanced.
00:51And it has to be appropriate for their life stage and lifestyle.
00:54Just like you or I, if we were training for a marathon,
00:57we would be eating a different kind of diet
01:00than if we were training to watch a marathon on TV.
01:02Puppies need higher calories.
01:05And they need different ratios of calcium and phosphorus
01:09to help build strong bones and help them grow.
01:12As adults, they've stopped growing.
01:14Their metabolism has slowed a bit.
01:16So they don't need the high calories that you find in a puppy food.
01:20I really think it's important to just find a food that works for you price-wise,
01:25that's got healthy, wholesome ingredients,
01:27that's got a name that you recognize, that has a good reputation,
01:30and that your pet seems to enjoy.
01:32Don't feed your dogs chocolate. We know that.
01:34Grapes, raisins, onions, garlic, high-fat foods like ice cream, pork chops,
01:41those sorts of things are things to stay away from.
01:43If you're worried at all, just avoid those foods
01:46until you're sure that they can have them.
01:48It's better to be safe than sorry.
01:51In the United States, 58% of cats and 45% of dogs are overweight
01:57or considered actually obese.
01:59There's some really easy ways that you can check at home
02:02if your dog or kitty cat is overweight.
02:04What you want to do with Oscar is see if you can feel his ribs.
02:08And I can feel his ribs very well.
02:11But I don't see his ribs.
02:13If you put your hands on him and there's ribs, way too skinny.
02:16If you can't feel ribs and you're pushing hard, they're way too big.
02:19The number of problems that overweight animals have are just staggering.
02:22Pretty much every organ system can have a problem.
02:25The heart has to work harder when they're overweight.
02:29Sometimes dogs develop a condition called tracheal collapse.
02:33And then walking around with that excess weight is just horrible for their joints.
02:36With cats, we see a lot of the same things, specifically diabetes.
02:40Cats also have a condition called hepatic lipidosis, which means fatty liver.
02:44I just see more obese cats.
02:46They're more common, people are free-feeding them, and they tend to overeat.
02:50Because a lot of times, cats don't know where their next meal is coming from,
02:54from an evolutionary standpoint.
02:56One of the biggest issues with feeding dogs is that people feed too much.
03:00And they like to give table scraps.
03:02They like to feed some of their own food.
03:04But the biggest problem they have is they don't feed the right proportions.
03:07I don't think people realize that when you give a pet a little snack here or there,
03:11how the calories build up.
03:13There's a lot of communication that's needed to say,
03:15hey, don't give them that piece of cheese.
03:17But I don't think they understand that.
03:19We know that obesity can cause major health concerns.
03:22And we want to make sure that the pet lives as long as possible
03:26and maintains their youth.
03:28And they just can't do that if they feel bad from obesity.
03:34Food is the most important thing in our lives.
03:36You know, next to oxygen, food is the most valuable thing.
03:40So feeding your animals is the perfect way to bond
03:44because it's such an important part of their lives.
03:46It's most important to have regimented feeding times for your dog, your cat.
03:51And that usually, for most owners, means twice a day.
03:54The reason why it's good to feed twice a day instead of once a day
03:58is because their metabolism will break down that food
04:01and it won't be stored as extra fat in the body.
04:05I definitely feel that watching your pet,
04:08how much they consume, how frequently they do it,
04:10is one of the clearest indicators of, how's my pet doing?
04:16The most common misconception I find about pet nutrition
04:19is that dogs and cats need to eat more than they really do.
04:23People tend to overfeed their pets.
04:26The best thing to do is measure out how much you give them
04:29and make sure that you're not giving anything more
04:32than what it says on the package to feed.
04:34I emphasize to every pet owner,
04:36come see me regardless of how your pet is doing.
04:39Come during healthy times, come during sick times, come during emergency times.
04:43Because if you come during the times that they're well,
04:46they're probably going to stay healthier longer.
05:06For more information, visit
