Solar Pathfinder

  • 9 years ago
Solar Pathfinder
* Highly polished, transparent, convex plastic dome gives a panoramic view of the entire site.
* Works any time of the day (or night), regardless of sun or clouds.
* Accurately identifes shading of a site for any time of the year.
* Integrates with software (sold separately) to analyze and optimize sites and placement.
The Solar Pathfinder is simple and straight-forward in its engineering, it requires no special skills or technical know-how. One simple tracing does the job and becomes the permanent record for the solar data. When properly cared for, the unit will give the user years of accurate site analysis. The Solar Pathfinder uses a highly polished, transparent, convex plastic dome to give a panoramic view of the entire site. All the trees, buildings or other obstacles to the sun are plainly visible as reflections on the surface of the dome. The sunpath diagram can be seen through the transparent dome at the same time. Because the Solar Pathfinder works on a reflective principle rather than actually showing shadows, it can be used anytime of the day, anytime of the year, in either cloudy or clear weather. The actual position of the sun at the time of the solar site analysis is irrelevant. In fact, the unit is easier to use in the absence of direct sunlight. It could even be used on a moonlit night. -- Comes with unit, tripod, case, and instructions.
