China Vs South Korea: Chinese fisherman killed in Yellow Sea during crackdown on illegal fishing

  • 9 years ago
A Chinese fisherman was killed on Friday after a dozen South Korean Coast Guard officers boarded his boat during an interception in the Yellow Sea for illegal fishing.

The South Korean Coast Guard intercepted a handful of Chinese fishing boats in South Korean waters near Wangdeung Island on Friday morning.

When a dozen South Korean officers boarded one of the boats, the Chinese fishermen put up a fight, prompting a South Korean officer to fire live rounds, reportedly with a K9 handgun. A fisherman was killed in the shooting., an official news portal, reported the identity of the slain fisherman as Song Houmu, the 45-year-old captain of the fishing boat Noyoung 50987. According to AFP, Song was shot in the chest, causing fatal bleeding in his lungs.

Illegal fishing by Chinese fishermen is common in South Korean waters. In 2010, two Chinese fishermen were killed after their vessel crashed into a South Korean Coast Guard ship and sank in the Yellow Sea. The next year, a South Korean Coast Guard officer was stabbed to death by a Chinese fisherman.


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